Should I stop baby eat their hands?

· 1 min read
Should I stop baby eat their hands?
baby eat hand

It is normal for babies to explore their environment with their hands and mouth, including their own hands and fingers. This is an important way for babies to learn about their surroundings and develop their senses. It is not generally necessary or recommended to stop a baby from putting their hands or fingers in their mouth.

In fact, most of the babies enter the oral stage in their 4th month, which is also called the first stage of psychosexual development, according to the theory of psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud. This stage occurs during the first 18 months of life and is characterized by a focus on pleasure and gratification centered around the mouth and oral cavity. During this period, not just only hand but also their feet, toys or anything surrounding them.

During the oral stage, babies derive pleasure from activities such as sucking, biting, and chewing. They may put objects in their mouth to explore them and may have a strong attachment to objects such as pacifiers or thumbs that provide oral gratification.

However, it is important to ensure that your baby's hands are clean and free from any potentially harmful substances, such as chemicals or dirt. You can help to keep your baby's hands clean by washing them regularly, especially before meals or after playing. One good practise is we can give them something suitable chewable, such as Nuby Chewbies Silicone Teether.

In Summary, It is OK for baby to eat their hands, but make sure their hand are often washed and cleaned. We can also provide some chewable stuff for them to bite.

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