Babies are born with underdeveloped vision, but their vision develops quickly during the first year of life. Here are some milestones in baby vision development, however it might be different individually:

  • Birth to 2 months: At birth, babies can only see objects that are about 8-15 inches away from their face. They are more sensitive to high contrast patterns, such as black and white stripes.
  • 2 to 4 months: Babies' eyesight improves, and they can see objects that are further away. They also become more interested in looking at people's faces.
  • 4 to 8 months: Babies' vision continues to improve, and they can see a wider range of colors. They can also follow moving objects with their eyes.
  • 8 to 12 months: Babies' depth perception improves, and they can judge the distance of objects more accurately. They also become more skilled at reaching for and grasping objects.

How to improve newborn's vision development

  1. Provide plenty of visual stimulation: Hang colorful toys or mobiles within the baby's line of sight, and change them regularly to keep their interest.
  2. Encourage eye tracking: Slowly move a toy or other object from side to side or up and down in front of the baby to help them practice following moving objects with their eyes. Here recommended to have a look at the other article: What is black and white card for babies and why should use them
  3. Get close to the baby: When talking or playing with the baby, be sure to get close to their face so they can see you clearly.
  4. Encourage tummy time: Placing the baby on their stomach during playtime helps strengthen the muscles in their neck and back, which in turn helps with their visual development.
  5. Regular eye exams: It's important to have regular eye exams with an pediatric ophthalmologist to ensure that your baby's vision is developing as it should.

It's important to keep in mind that each baby's vision develops at their own pace and some may take longer than others.

It is important for parents to encourage visual development in their babies by providing a variety of visually stimulating toys and activities. This can include books with colorful pictures, toys with different textures and patterns, and opportunities for babies to explore their environment.