Can headband help to shape baby's head

· 2 min read
Can headband help to shape baby's head

A baby's headband is a type of accessory that is worn around the head. Some parents use a headband or helmet to try to shape a baby's head if it has a noticeable flat spot or asymmetry, known as plagiocephaly. However, it's important to understand that headbands and helmets are not recommended as a first line of treatment and should only be used under the guidance of a pediatrician or a physical therapist.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents should try to reposition the baby's head rather than using a headband or helmet. This can be done by alternating the direction the baby's head faces while they are lying down, and encouraging the baby to spend time on their stomach during playtime.

In some cases, a headband or helmet may be recommended by a doctor if other methods haven't worked, or if the baby has a severe case of plagiocephaly. But it's important to follow the guidelines and instructions of the doctor or physical therapist.

So as newborn's parent what should we do?

1. Pay attention to baby's sleeping position

If the baby likes to sleep on one side for a long time, then the head shape on both sides is likely to be asymmetrical, so if parents find that the baby likes to sleep on one side, they should pay attention and do not let the baby maintain a certain sleeping position for a long time process. In fact, most babies are actually quite smart, they will change their sleeping position themselves most of the time.

2. Tummy time

We have elaborated what is the tummy time and benefits of it in other article: Tummy time and why it is good for your baby (Coming soon). Not just that, tummy time is good for improving baby's head shape as well.

3. No pillow for newborn under 3 months

As explained in the previous post: Should my baby use pillow? It is not recommended to let baby sleep with a pillow under 3 months.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that most cases of plagiocephaly will improve on their own as the baby grows and develops stronger neck muscles.