5 S’s to soothe a fussy baby

· 1 min read
5 S’s to soothe a fussy baby

The 5 S's is a technique developed by Dr. Harvey Karp, a pediatrician and child development specialist, to help soothe a fussy baby. The 5 S's are:

  1. Swaddling: Tightly wrapping a baby in a soft blanket can help them feel secure and comforted.
  2. Side/stomach position: Holding a baby in a side or stomach position can help them feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of acid reflux.
  3. Shushing: Making a shushing noise near a baby's ear can help them feel calm and relaxed.
  4. Swinging: Gently rocking or swinging a baby can help them feel comforted and fall asleep.
  5. Sucking: Allowing a baby to suck on a pacifier or their own fingers can help them feel calm and comforted.

It is important to note that while the 5 S's can be helpful in soothing a fussy baby, they may not work for every baby, and it is important to also consider other factors that may be contributing to the fussiness, such as hunger, diaper change, or illness.

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